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Lithuania, a nation steeped in a legacy of resilient cultural heritage, is celebrated for its diverse and captivating culinary landscape. Through centuries of history, Lithuanian cuisine has evolved into a mosaic of flavors, reflecting the influence of neighboring countries and the nation’s own agricultural bounty. While some traditional foods faced assimilation during periods of occupation, two distinct dishes have endured and continue to ignite the enthusiasm of travelers and food enthusiasts alike.

As travelers first encounter the culinary wonders of Lithuania, they often find themselves intrigued, and perhaps even perplexed, by two particular dishes that defy conventional expectations. The first, Saltibarsciai, a beguiling pink-hued soup, presents a seemingly paradoxical concept—a chilled, beet-based concoction. The very idea of a cold soup can be confounding to those accustomed to steaming bowls of warmth, yet in Lithuania, it is a cherished tradition, a respite from the summer heat that delights palates with its unique blend of tangy kefir, earthy beets, and crisp cucumbers. And then there are the enigmatic Cepelinai, a dish that beckons with its curious name and distinctive appearance. These hefty potato dumplings, plump with savory fillings of minced meat, captivate the eye and spark curiosity. It’s a combination that, at first glance, may raise an eyebrow or two. The marriage of humble potatoes and hearty meat within a dumpling shell is indeed an unexpected union, yet one that delivers a flavor profile that is nothing short of extraordinary. These culinary curiosities serve as a testament to Lithuania’s ability to surprise and delight, offering a gustatory adventure that challenges preconceived notions and invites travelers to step into a realm of flavors both unfamiliar and unforgettable. To delve into these dishes is to embark on a journey of culinary discovery, where the unusual becomes the extraordinary, and the unexpected becomes a cherished memory. As travelers embark on a culinary journey through Lithuania, it is these quintessential dishes that beckon them, promising a taste of a culture deeply rooted in both history and hospitality.

Saltibarsciai (Cold Beet Soup)

Saltibarsciai, pronounced “salti-bar-shay,” is a quintessential Lithuanian dish that graces tables during warm summer months. This vibrant pink soup is made from grated beets, kefir (a fermented milk drink), cucumbers, dill, and hard-boiled eggs. The result is a harmonious blend of earthy sweetness from the beets, tanginess from the kefir, and a refreshing crunch from the cucumbers.

Authentic Lithuanian Saltibarsciai Recipe


4 medium-sized beets, washed and peeled

1 cucumber, peeled and finely chopped

2 hard-boiled eggs, finely chopped

1 bunch fresh dill, finely chopped

4 cups kefir (or buttermilk for a slightly different flavor)

2 cups water

1 clove garlic, minced

Salt and pepper to taste

Sour cream for garnish (optional)


Grate the Beets: Using a fine grater, grate the peeled beets into a large mixing bowl. This will release the vibrant beet juice that gives Saltibarsciai its characteristic color.

Combine Ingredients: Add the finely chopped cucumber, hard-boiled eggs, and minced garlic to the grated beets. Mix these ingredients together to create a colorful and textured base.

Add Kefir and Water: Slowly pour in the kefir and water while stirring continuously. This will thin the mixture and infuse it with the tangy goodness of kefir.

Season to Taste: Season the soup with salt and pepper, adjusting to your personal preference. The flavors should be balanced, with a hint of earthiness from the beets complemented by the tang of the kefir.

Chill the Soup: Cover the bowl and place it in the refrigerator to chill for at least 2 hours. This allows the flavors to meld together, resulting in a refreshing and harmonious blend.

Serve: When ready to serve, ladle the chilled Saltibarsciai into bowls. Top with a dollop of sour cream if desired, and garnish with a sprinkle of fresh dill for an added burst of flavor and visual appeal.

With its vibrant colors and refreshing flavors, Saltibarsciai is a testament to the creativity and ingenuity of Lithuanian cuisine. This simple yet delectable dish is an invitation to savor the taste of tradition and experience the culinary heritage of Lithuania. Whether enjoyed as a starter, a light lunch, or a revitalizing snack, Saltibarsciai is sure to leave a lasting impression on your palate and a newfound appreciation for Lithuanian gastronomy. The dish is not only a culinary delight but also a testament to Lithuania’s agrarian roots, featuring ingredients readily available in the region. The chilled nature of Saltibarsciai makes it a perfect choice for hot summer days, providing both a refreshing and nutritious option.

Cepelinai (Potato Dumplings)

Cepelinai, affectionately known as “zeppelins” due to their distinctive shape, are a beloved Lithuanian dish that epitomizes hearty comfort food. These dumplings are crafted from grated potatoes, stuffed with minced meat, and boiled until they reach a pillowy, melt-in-your-mouth perfection. They are then typically garnished with a creamy sauce made from sour cream and bacon bits. The name “cepelinai” is a nod to the dumplings’ resemblance to the famous German airship. This dish reflects Lithuania’s historical reliance on potatoes as a staple food, and the meticulous preparation involved demonstrates the dedication of Lithuanian cooks in creating a dish that is both flavorful and satisfying. Creating Cepelinai is an art form, requiring a bit of patience and a whole lot of love. Let’s embark on a culinary journey to recreate this iconic Lithuanian dish in your own kitchen.

For the Dumplings:

6 large potatoes, peeled and grated

2 cups potato starch

1/2 cup all-purpose flour

2 eggs

1 tsp salt

For the Filling:

1 lb ground pork (or a mix of pork and beef)

1 onion, finely chopped

Salt and pepper to taste

For the Sauce:

1 cup sour cream

1/4 cup bacon bits (optional)

Chopped fresh dill for garnish


Prepare the Potato Mixture: Place the grated potatoes in a clean kitchen towel and squeeze out as much moisture as possible. Transfer the dried potatoes to a large mixing bowl.

Create the Dough: Add the potato starch, all-purpose flour, eggs, and salt to the grated potatoes. Mix well until a cohesive dough forms.

Make the Filling: In a separate bowl, combine the ground pork (or meat mixture), finely chopped onion, salt, and pepper. Mix thoroughly to incorporate the flavors.

Shape the Dumplings: Take a handful of the potato dough and flatten it in your hand to form a round disc. Place a spoonful of the meat filling in the center of the disc. Encase the filling by folding the potato dough over it, shaping it into an elongated oval resembling a zeppelin.

Cook the Dumplings: Bring a large pot of salted water to a gentle boil. Carefully add the dumplings and cook for approximately 20-25 minutes, or until they float to the surface.

Prepare the Sauce: In a separate bowl, combine the sour cream and bacon bits (if using). Mix well to create a creamy sauce.

Serve: Using a slotted spoon, carefully remove the cooked Cepelinai from the water and place them on a serving platter.Drizzle the creamy sauce over the dumplings and garnish with chopped fresh dill.


Cepelinai, with their hearty potato exterior and flavorful meat filling, encapsulate the essence of Lithuanian comfort food. Crafting these dumplings is a labor of love, and the result is a dish that brings warmth and satisfaction to any table. As you savor each bite, you’ll not only experience the taste of tradition but also gain a deeper appreciation for the culinary heritage of Lithuania. Enjoy this iconic Lithuanian dish with friends and family, and relish in the shared joy of a truly special meal.

As you embark on the culinary adventure of recreating these iconic Lithuanian dishes, remember that the beauty of gastronomy lies not only in the flavors but also in the stories and traditions that accompany each bite. Saltibarsciai and Cepelinai are not just dishes; they are an invitation to explore the vibrant heritage of Lithuania through its rich and diverse culinary landscape. To those who may be initially taken aback by the unusual textures and appearances of these dishes, fear not. Embrace the uniqueness, for it is in these quirks that the true essence of Lithuanian comfort food resides. The refreshing coolness of Saltibarsciai and the hearty satisfaction of Cepelinai are an experience unto themselves, transcending the boundaries of taste and texture.

So, with a sense of curiosity and a heart full of anticipation, dive into these recipes. Allow the flavors to transport you to the cobbled streets of Vilnius, the tranquil shores of the Baltic Sea, and the cozy kitchens of Lithuanian homes. Share these dishes with loved ones, and let the joy of discovery be the centerpiece of your meal. After all, in the world of culinary exploration, the most memorable experiences often come from the dishes that challenge our palates and open our hearts to new traditions. So, don your apron, gather your ingredients, and let the spirit of Lithuania guide your culinary journey. With Saltibarsciai and Cepelinai on your table, you’re not just serving a meal; you’re sharing a piece of Lithuanian culture and inviting others to savor the extraordinary in the everyday. Bon appétit!

